Tierra has undertaken numerous projects of significant size and importance since 2004. We are aware of the need to deliver services in a timely manner to avoid cost and time risks.
The successful provision of environmental services for our feature projects demonstrates the following capacities:
Delivery of project inputs on time
As with most remediation projects, site contamination assessment and management activities are on the “critical path” and require to be delivered expeditiously.
Delivery of project inputs to the required quality
As site contamination assessment and management activities are on the “critical path” it is necessary to deliver any work to the required standard to avoid unnecessary rework and associated delays and delay costs. (e.g. requirements by Environmental Auditors, relevant EPA guidelines, Australian Standards, National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure, National Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure.)
We are proud of the technical, engineering and scientific solutions created and implemented for our feature projects.
Flexibility to respond to changing project requirements
Latent subsurface conditions may require alternative approaches to remediation and management, similarly changes to a development proposal may require adjustments to remediation and management measures.
Through our past and current involvement in the featured large remediation and redevelopment projects we are aware of program and cost requirements, are experienced in working with a stakeholder team, and able to respond proactively to changes to site conditions, stakeholder requirements or changes to the proposed developments.
Feature Projects
Brompton Redevelopment (Site 9) [read more]
Brompton Redevelopment (Sites 10 to 19) [read more]
Central West Precinct [read more]
Penfield Asbestos Repository [read more]
Womad Particulate Monitoring [read more]
Port Waterfront Particulate Monitoring [read more]
Adelaide Oval Redevelopment [read more]